Category: Ministry

Statement on Holy Communion

To our Members and Guests As Lutherans, we believe that Holy Communion is God’s special meal for His people. Those who come to the Lord’s Table should be baptized and properly instructed Christians who acknowledge their personal sinfulness and believe that their sins are forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ, having faith in the words […]

Serving at Trinity

The success of ministry and outreach at Trinity is the direct result of the application of the gifts of time and talent of all our members. Each person serves as they are led and are able, some a great deal, others focused on a single task, and all to God’s glory and in His service. A ”work […]

Trinity Lutheran and Sacramento

The members of Trinity Lutheran Church are active in the community, and we strive to serve our neighbors with a helpful hand along with a hand simply offered in friendship. As Christians we believe in the power of prayer.  We continually include the safety and health of our neighbors and community in our prayers. We act on our […]


Fellowship is one of the joys of the Christian life. At Trinity we fellowship through worship, studying God’s Word together, and by a variety of events such as game nights and pot lucks (if you don’t know at least one joke about Lutherans and pot lucks, you just aren’t trying). Trinity offers a variety of […]


You are very welcome at our services and activities. We are glad to answer questions you may have, and our office may be reached by phone at (916) 456-8701 or email at What We Believe We believe in the Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, died on […]


It is simple to say we live in challenging times and that, as God’s people, we are led to help each other and our community meet and overcome these challenges … while also relishing and celebrating the good things in our lives. Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church continually grows to act on our relationship with […]

Trinity Supports our Guard and Reserve

Trinity Lutheran Church actively supports the members of our country’s armed forces, those that have served in the past as well as those currently serving. We are privileged to have a Pastor who serves as a Chaplain with the Air Force Reserve, and we encourage his participation in this important ministry.