Serving at Trinity

The success of ministry and outreach at Trinity is the direct result of the application of the gifts of time and talent of all our members. Each person serves as they are led and are able, some a great deal, others focused on a single task, and all to God’s glory and in His service.

A ”work in progress,” these pages will describe opportunities for service and ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Any involvement in a committee or church leadership is completely voluntary and we encourage everyone to prayerfully consider a role and discuss it with the person or people they would be working with before accepting any task.

Programs at Trinity are managed by an assortment of committees supervised by members of the congregation. Each committee is supported by the congregation’s officers. And all volunteers seek to serve the community and congregation by keeping our Mission, anchored by the Bible, always in the front of our activities.

How we help at church is only one piece of the service we, as Christians, are called to do in our community, and many of our members are active in community affairs, ministries, and outreach programs unrelated to Trinity Lutheran Church.